Would You Like to Help?
This ministry is an outreach and needs prayers for provision,safety, good weather, willing workers, and people to come hear the Good News.
Take cards with you to share with friends. Share information with your friends on Facebook , Instagram, and Twitter. Handout cards about our ministry. If you have Bethlehem Walk shirts wear them during November and December.
There many roles where you can participate in Bethlehem Walk. Below are the links to registration forms for helping with Bethlehem Walk. A brief description of the needs for each area is listed so you have an idea of the types of skills needed for the area. Click on the title of the job area you would like to help.
Construction-- building the bridge, the nativity, and the city. decorating and taking down the city. This crew needs 25-30 people. Clint Rex is the City Engineer and supervises the crews for each task.
Kitchen-- feeding up to 200 people takes lots of help.
Sanctuary 12-18 needed for welcoming guests back to the 21st century.
Shopkeepers-all shops require at least one shopkeeper.
First Night Saturday December 7
Second Night Sunday December 8
Morning Monday December 9
Third Night Monday December 9
Specialty Cast Interactive roles with special costumes and props
Nativity-- Mary, Joseph, Shepherds (2 or more), Angels (up to 4), wise men 3-4 are needed each performance
Roman Soldiers-- Rome's finest serving Caesar in the city of Bethlehem
First night Saturday December 7
Second night Sunday December 8
Third Night Monday, December 9
Support Crews: Backbone of the behind the scenes people.
Clean up nightly 6-8 people nightly to help clean up city and kitchen
Costumes, make-up and beards-- townspeople, shopkeepers, Roman soldiers, Nativity cast all need help with getting period costumes on appropriately
Sound and light crew 2-4 each performance
Cider booth uses 2-3 adults and 4-6 youth
Hot chocolate for the town- 3-4 people
Parking -- no costume required 6-8 needed
Nursery Workers at least 2 adults each evening and possibly 1-2 youth as well.
First Night Saturday December 7
Second night Sunday December 8
Monday Morning December 9
Third night Monday December 9
For more information about being a cast or crew participant go to Cast and Crew Info page